The Beauty of a Blog

September 2, 2012 at 10:17 pm

LetterItaliaHere in my quiet space — I never know what sweet reminders will surprise me.  Just moments ago, I discovered a note written by my father from several years ago — in Italian.  He wrote the message inside a memo pad.  This copy may not be exact since I have a little trouble deciphering his handwriting — but this is the gist: “Questo lettera arrivo lundi. Tu in Italia?” I feel his presence in a moment — head up to show it to my mother who is reading from her iPad. His spirit lives all around — even though he is not here in person.   Tears come to my eyes. They are from sadness for the loss and joy for the love.   A moment of gratitude comes over me.   It’s my honor to sit in one of the places deemed his office at home.   Now I have the privilege of using the same place as I redefine my life.


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