Dear Diary

Do you remember the days of diaries?   We would write secret and special observations of our daily adventures in a locked book that held our most precious personal memories.

One of the most important ways to help with your with your transformation is to take time to draw or write about how you feel.   The process will help move the pain from your brain . . .  to heal your head and heart – so you can focus on ways to improve your life with new insight and understanding.

There are many therapeutic benefits of coloring.  Doodling will also help reduce some of your stress.   We can provide several helpful lessons and techniques to increase your enjoyment AND healing from arts and crafts activities.


If you can write, you can draw.   Drawing is known for taking you to another level of consciousness while you are drawing that you often lose track of time AND outward concerns. Give it a try.   We have proven techniques that to Awaken your Mind’s Eye.

A journal or sketchbook can assist to be certain transformational thoughts don’t slip away.

You are in the right place if you have been searching for a place of  survivor support. Need to chat? Schedule an appointment.

Transform to Triumph