Spinster or Spouse

It is preferable to be a single spinster than surviving the wrath of a louse-a-spouse. Thanks to a former customer for sharing this artist’s link on Facebook. The artist represents a great photo perspective on the social pressure women experience to conform to society and the expectation to marry and have a family. Being a single female is a better option for me than what I experienced in a 22-year covertly coerced cover-up commitment. I’d still have the career that I began as a 21 year old single female. a MANikin can’t embezzle from a successful career woman’s business. There may be a need for a female version also.


2013 At Home – SLEEPING IN

no chance for assault . . .


The current legal counsel doesn’t like my use of sarcasm in describing the bizarre events leading up to my abrupt exit from my long-standing career. I comment that sarcasm is simply Truth with a Twist.

More about sarcasm in another post . . .

Transform to Triumph