What Do You Do?

The question, “What do you do?” is asked within moments after people meet for the first time. When I founded and worked in my art/music studio (1992 – 2011) and coffeehouse (2006 – 2011), customers entered and look amazed. They discovered that I created most of what they saw, touched, heard, drank, and ate. They

Comfort Cat

May 2011, I adopted an orange tabby cat from the Humane Society. My tabby was chosen for his circumstance, name (eventually changed), color and researched disposition.  I  needed a new companion that wouldn’t “bark at me” morning, afternoon, night! Or pounce me . . . and hurt me.  When I brought my new companion home in a

Love, List, Life

Written December 2011 after evacuating my residence. Love Has No List So here it is. A customer (she knows who she is) — well, former customer now that I’ve been forced out of business, said I needed a blog. Now that I’m “unemployed” — what better time then now to begin writing a blog! Care

Transform to Triumph