What Do You Do?

The question, “What do you do?” is asked within moments after people meet for the first time.

When I founded and worked in my art/music studio (1992 – 2011) and coffeehouse (2006 – 2011), customers entered and look amazed. They discovered that I created most of what they saw, touched, heard, drank, and ate. They commented, “Wow, you do everything!” My response: “Thank-you, but not really. I don’t dance.” “Well, I got rhythm, but I don’t dance.”   It’s not to say that I couldn’t or wouldn’t dance – it’s simply that I had reached my maximum level of activities and responsibilities – in business and life at that time.

My responses are different now that life has taken me down a different path (road block, pot hole, bridge out, man-made earthquake). For over two years of my life, everything seemed unattainable.

But WAIT!   My long-time career may have been purposefully destroyed, yet nowThe sky’s the limit – Actually LIMITLESS.   I may not be on “top of the world”, however I’m finally on solid ground. Now I see and respond to things differently. I changed my viewpoint and the outcome improved.

Everything has to do with creating a new perspective.

I no longer make a difference from the OUTside – in. Now, I make a difference from the INSIDE – out.

Ask yourself if you want to have:

  • More time with family and friends
  • Time and money to do what you really love
  • Freedom to decide how to spend your ON and OFF days

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then you’re in the right place. I know where you are at this moment. I understand where you are right now.   We can discover where you want to go and what you want to do – together.

How do YOU answer the question, “What do you do?”

What is your purpose each day?

 Martha L. Pineno – Masterpiece Mentor

There is a wondrous story within you … Launch your Life Legacy today!






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