Get in Line

There I was standing at the counter of a local Starbucks when the barista made the comment to me that they “don’t stay inside the lines.”    There was no LINE ahead or behind me . . .no one in LINE after me.

Don’t cross this line!

When people picture a LINE, the first type of line they see in their mind is a straight line.  Sometimes they associate the color yellow-orange with the line.

More recently, I find the expression pt of “stay in the lines”  is quite an open concept.



What if the line is curvy?

What if they line is a zig zag?

different type lines


What if your line is “broken”?

or dotted . . . . .

I like the dotted AND dashed line – . – . – . – . –



Certain lines allow you to get around the line and you won’t disrupt anything or anybody if you “cross the line,” because you actually go through the line.line-curvyleaf


Find the type line that is often used for the top of castles.   

Send an email with your line drawing to:
info @



Transform to Triumph